Beginning Drama / Drama 1-2 (VAPA Credit) Beginning Drama meets the fine arts requirement for graduation. A full year of Beginning Drama meets the CSU and UC requirements for admission. The class introduces the student to beginning acting, playwriting, directing and design techniques and theatre appreciation. The course is organized into five areas: Artistic Perception, Creative Expression, Historical and Cultural Content, Aesthetic Valuing, and Connections, Relationships and Applications. The class includes: movement, voice, play analysis, acting, improvisation, character analysis, performance, scene work, monologues, audition/interview skills, theatre vocabulary, theatre history and play reviews. The curriculum is aligned with the California Visual and Performing Arts Standards. Advanced Drama / Drama 3-4 (CTE and VAPA Credit) Advanced Drama is an audition-only theatre class for those students who have enjoyed and passed Beginning Drama with a “B” or better. A full year of Advanced Drama meets the CSU and UC requirements for admission. In this intensive course, actors develop a deeper understanding of theater and production from different cultural and historical perspectives and build upon past theatre experiences. The class is aligned with the California State Standards, including the five areas listed above in the beginning class description. Advanced Drama will strengthen and enhance skills in ensemble work/team work, movement, voice, scene and play analysis, scene work including an emphasis on character development and emotional truth, improvisational skills, character analysis and performance, audition skills, career paths, designing, directing and playwriting with an emphasis on performing original work. Students produce student directed One Acts and original musicals each spring.
Training with Hillsdale Drama has allowed me to grow not only as an actor and storyteller, but as a person as well. Being a drama class student and show member has allowed me to be more confident, to think outside the box, and to take more risks in a safe and supportive environment. Every member of the Hillsdale Drama program has formed a powerful bond over a shared passion for theater. - Hillsdale Drama Student